由于人们对环境的重视以及环境危机的不断加剧 ,人们对环境的有效管理的要求越来越高 ,致使新的环境管理技术不断出现。地理信息技术具有很强大的空间数据处理能力 ,因此在处理环境数据中其效用非常明显 ,而地理信息系统 ( GIS)是一种强有力的信息管理和分析工具 ,数字信息的获得及处理等过程往往离不开地理信息系统或其他相关的数字处理技术。数字信息的获取分三个阶段 :数据的搜集 ;数据的分析 (该过程包括地理信息系统与其它技术的集成 ) ;数据的转换和信息的处理。地理信息系统作为一种信息处理工具有效地满足了以上各个阶段的需要。
Over the past number of years there has been a growing usage of technology in environmental management. and indeed the greater capacity of the improving technologies to provide effective tools for environmental management.Geographic information technologies, or geoinformatics, which differentiate themselves through their ability to handle the spatial component of data, clearly have a key role in handling environmental data. Environmental processes have a definite spatial element which needs to be specifically considered if those processes are to be understood and managed.\; Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are powerful information management and analysis tools. The integrated digital approach identifies different stages: data collection and field support technologies; digital 'workbench' technologies which include the integration of GIS with other techniques for data analysis; and the transfer and ultimate utilisation of processed information. GIS is just one of a suite of tools required to meet the tasks involved in each of these stages For efficient environmental management with an improved likelihood of achieving specified objectives, an integrated suite of processes from data collection, to data handling and analysis, to information presentation, is required.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application