本文介绍数字飞行控制计算机系统多机间的同步与调度管理算法的设计与实现。同步与调度管理是飞控计算机系统的重要组成部分,它的特性好坏,直接影响整个系统的性能. 本文提出以软件为主的同步方案。系统主频时钟为4MHz,同步周期为15ms,异步度小于30μs,但保持有一定的异步度,以减少故障的相关性。此外。本文着重讨论同步失效问题的解决,失步状态下的系统重构与恢复,系统死锁的预防与消除,以及调度管理的算法。
This paper presents the design and implementation of the sychronization and scheduling parts of the DFCC multicomputer system. The performance of synchronization and scheduling parts affects the overall performance of the DFCC system, therefore, they are crucial parts of it.The synchronization mechanism presented here is based on the software sychro-nization algorithm. In this system a synchronization cycle which is 15ms is adopted. To avoid the relative fault which is involved in most synchronization systems, we confine the asynchronization of the system to 30μs, that is, there is a low level asynchronism in this system.The technique used to recover the whole system from fault by synchronization is emphasised in this paper. The various algorithms that involve dead-lock prevention and system scheduling are also discussed.
flight control systems, computer systems, synchronizing circuits, recombination, recovery, asynchronization