

A Study of Psychological Soundness among the Normal College's Freshmen
摘要 本研究调查了 10 85名师专新生的心理健康状况。结果表明 ,大多数学生心理健康状况正常 ,但存在不同方面和不同程度问题的学生人数也占一定比例 ,男女学生、文理科学生、成教 (系指脱产的成教生 ,后同 )和普教学生在某些方面的问题差异显著。究其原因 ,既与新生所处特殊年龄阶段又与特定学习环境有关。 A study was carried out about the state of psychological soundness of 1085 new students in the teachers college. It turns out that most students are mentally healthy, but those who have mental problems in various aspects or to different degrees do make up a certain proportion. Boy students and girl students, students of liberal arts and science, adult-education students (full time students and the same afterwards) and universal-education students show apparent differences in certain respects. The actual causes originate from the special age group that they belong to and the specified study environment.
机构地区 达县师专教心室
出处 《达县师范高等专科学校学报》 2001年第4期95-97,共3页 Journal of Daxian Teachers College
关键词 师专新生 心理卫生 调查 心理健康 年龄阶段 学习环境 Normal college freshmen psychological soundness investigation
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