目的 :了解男性强制戒毒人群人口学特征、注射使用毒品情况及相关的健康危险行为的流行病学情况。方法 :采用世界卫生组织毒品注射研究第二部分调查问卷 (2a版 )调查吸毒者社会人口学资料、吸毒的情况、性行为、艾滋病知识与行为改变等内容。结果 :共调查了 2 0 0例对象 ,87.5 %的被调查者曾静脉注射毒品 ,被调查者平均年龄为 30 .37± 5 .6 5岁 ,在最近六个月中 ,41.3%的注射毒品者曾合用针头和 /或注射器 ,5 0 .6 %的吸毒者将自己使用过的针头和 /或注射器给别人使用 ;大多数吸毒者 (85 % )与异性性伙伴性交时从不使用安全套 ;吸毒者了解AIDS知识的主要途径是大众媒体 ,6 1.8%的人从未采取任何预防艾滋病病毒 (HIV)感染的措施。结论 :男性强制戒毒人群存在大量健康危险行为 ,是HIV感染和传播的高危人群。
Objective:To study health-damaging behaviors of male addicts in an enforced detoxification institution in Changsha, China. Methods: WHO Drug Injecting Study Phase Ⅱ Questionnaire (version 2a) was used to interview the demographics, use of injection, sexual behavior, AIDS knowledge and behavior changes of 200 subjects. Results:87.5% of all 200 cases had injected drug intravonously. Average age of the subjects was 30.37±5.65. 41.3% injectors shared needles and/or syringes in the last 6 months. 50.6% injectors provided needles and/or syringes that they had used themselves to others. Most of the drug addicts(85%)never used condoms when having intercourse with their sex partners. The major way for drug addicts for obtam AIDS knowledge was the mass media, 61.8% of them never took any measures to prevent HIV. Conclusion: The male who was forced to undergo detoxification had a great deal of health-damaging behaviors, and constituted an important risk group of HIV infection and transmission.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology