所谓“服术有六”,即是指“亲亲”、“尊尊”、“名”、“出入”、“长幼”、“从服”等六条制服 原则。这六条制服原则是《礼记·大传》从周代丧服制度中总结归纳出来的。在这六条“服术”中, “亲亲”与“尊尊”是纲领性的两务基本原则,所体现的是周代宗法制度的精神。而所谓“名”、“出 入”、“长幼”、“从服”等其他四条“服术”实质上是从“亲亲、“尊尊”这两条基本厚则派生出来的。
By 'Six rules of mourning apparel' we mean the mourning dress principles of blood relations as blood relations, respectables as respectables, alien relations as alien relations, marital relations as marital relations, the seniors and youngs as different and, relatives and attendants as dif ferent which are generalized from The Book of Rites. This article is devoted, in accordance with the provisions of dress in The Etiquette, to analyze the six principles of mourning dress on its content. From these six principles we can draw a conclusion that both' blood relations as blood relations' and 'respectables as respectables' are programmatic principles embodying the essence of the patri- arch system of the Zhou dynasty and the rest are derived from them in substance.
Qilu Journal