印度梵语诗学属于西方诗学体系,是印度佛教文化的产 物。随着佛教文化传入中国 ,印度梵语诗学对中国人的文学观念及其文学理论批评特别是中国诗话产生的影响是极其深 刻的。研究印度梵语诗学而卓然名家者,当今之中国惟有季羡林、金克木、黄宝生等,而全 面研究印度梵语诗学之深刻影响中国文学理论批评者,至今尚未见之。此文将印度梵语诗学 纳入比较诗学的研究领域,论述印度梵语诗学及其佛教文化对中国诗话及其诗学批评的 密切关系与深刻影响。
Indian Sanskrit poetics was the result of Indian Buddhist culture, and belonged to the system of western poetics. With the spreading of Indian Buddhist culture to China, it made a great impact on Chinese Shihua. However this point has been ignored before. This paper attempts to bring Indian Sanskrit poetics into the research field of comparative poetics, and expound thoroughly the great impact of Indian Buddhist culture and Sanskrit poetics on Chinese Shihua.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University