过度竞争是由低集中度引发的资源误置现象 ,它属于市场失灵 ,需要政府进行干预。目前中国摩托车产业似乎产销两旺 ,但经过SCP(结构 行为 效果 )分析之后 ,发现它是一种典型的过度竞争市场类型。在此基础上 ,笔者提出了政府干预策略 :减少事前不合理干预 ,降低退出壁垒 ;增加结果控制 ,让市场淘汰低效企业 。
Excess competition is the phenomenon of resources misallocation resulted from low degree of concentration. It belongs to market failure and needs the governmental intervention. Though production and sales seem very good nowadays, Chinas motorcycle industry is proved to be the typical market of excess competition by a SCP(structure conduct performance) analysis in this paper. On the basis of former conclusion, this paper puts forward the policy of governmental intervention as follows: decreasing the unsound intervention in advance; lowering the barriers to quit; increasing control on the results, letting market eliminate low efficiency enterprises and enhancing the degree of concentration for high efficiency enterprises.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)