在分析西畴县西洒—蚌谷岩溶区的自然地理条件、社会经济概况、地质与水文地质条件的基础上 ,进行了岩溶水系统划分 ,然后根据岩溶水系统 (或子系统 )特征、岩溶水资源分布特点及人畜饮水与岩溶水资源利用现状 ,对岩溶水的有效开发利用进行了全面规划和合理布局。西畴县西洒—蚌谷一带属一典型的溶蚀高原型岩溶山区 ,地形起伏大 ,岩溶水资源分布时空不均 ,水资源开发利用应以小型而分散的方式为主 ,因地制宜 ,蓄、提、引、“栽水”相结合 ,以就地解决人畜饮水和农田灌溉用水问题 ,特别是“栽水”工程对改善作物表层生态系统条件有重要意义。
The karst water systems are divided on the basis of analyzing the natural geographic conditions, general social economic situations, and geologic and hydrogeologic conditions. Then based on the characteristics of the karst water systems (or subsystem) and the distribution of karst water resources and the use of man-livestock drinking water and karst water resources, efficient exploitation of karst water is carried out by an overall layout and reasonable distribution. At last, four measures are put forward. The Xisa-Banggu karst area (in Xichou county) is typical of the karst mountainous land of corrosional-plateau type. The main exploitation manner of karst water resources should be small and separate because of larger topographic relief, and uneven distribution of karst water resources in time and space. Adjustment measures to local conditions, and exploitation manners of storing, lifting, leading and intercepting water are brought forward for the use for man-livestock drinking water and irrigation of farmland, the project of intercepting water has an important significance for improving the surface ecosystem conditions of crops.
Carsologica Sinica