简述LMA型钢丝绳无损检测系统的结构和特点。在宝山钢铁集团公司利用该系统对在线钢丝绳进行无损检测 ,并结合倾向管理 ,可以保证在役钢丝绳运行的安全可靠 ,避免钢丝绳更换的盲目性 ,做到按照钢丝绳的运行状态来进行预知维修。
The structure and characteristics of the NDT system for wire ropes were described. The system was applied to on line inspection of wire ropes. Combining with tendency management, it can not only insure the safety of wire ropes, but also avoid unnecessary replacement of ropes. The condition based maintenance of wire ropes was realized with the aid of the technology.
Nondestructive Testing