在整个 20世纪的近代汉语语音研究中,围绕《中原音韵》一系反映北方语音韵书研究所形成的北音学,研究者创造了不少具体的科学研究方法。如:归纳研究法,比勘互证法,内部分析法,系统数量比较法,透视分离法。这些方法不仅对近代汉语北音学研究有指导作用,而且对整个汉语音韵学研究也产生了积极的影响,在音韵学方法论上形成了很大突破。
The research workers have created a lot of specific and scientific research methods about the Northern Phonetics which is formed by the study of the book of The Central Plains Phonology that reflects the Northern sound in the modern Chinese phonetics research in the whole 20 century. For example: inductive research method, comparison proving method, internal analysis method, comparison method in system number, and perspective separating method. These methods not only have the guiding function on the Northern Phonetics research of modern Chinese but also have the positive influence on the research of the Chinese Phonology and make a breakthrough on the methods of Phonology.
Journal of Linyi Teachers' College