民族民间舞是民族文化的重要组成部分 ,考察其现状 ,民族民间舞的内容主要来自一个民族的文化传承。在经历了千百年的流变之后 ,民族民间舞逐渐成为我国专业舞蹈教学及高、中等师范艺术教育中的主要教学内容之一。其教学价值可以从“身”与“情”的关系 ,以及身体协调性、文化视野的观照、舞蹈语言创造意识等诸多方面加以探讨 。
The Chinese national folk dance, undergoing changes of centuries, is not only an indispensable part of the nation’s culture but also a reflection of its heritage. Nowadays, it comes to be one of the major course contents for specialized dance training and artistic education in normal universities and Secondary normal schools. The paper attempts to explore the pedagogical significance of the national folk dance from the following aspects: the relationship between the physical and the affectwe, harmonious body movements, reflection upon cultural vision and the contributions of dance language.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)