当前 ,文学的创作、读者和批评三者处于一种相互疏离的关系 ,新时期文学之初那种紧密的关系已不存在。这是一种过渡性状态 ,经过一段时间以后 ,文学创作、读者、文学批评三者的关系 ,将会逐渐靠近。三者关系的整合 ,尚待时日 ,需要有一个相当的过程 ,才能达到彼此合理、和谐关系。
At present, the three dimensions of literary writing, reader and criticism come to be estranged reciprocally. The tight relation between them as seen in the beginning of new era literature is no longer found in the current literature. After the time lapses in a short term, the three dimensions of literary writing, reader and criticism might gradually become close again. Appropriately coping with the three dimensions in a satisfactory way will certainly undergo a long process in view of the target of reciprocal harmonious and rational relation.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences