抗日民族统一战线正式建立后 ,中国共产党为了保证合作的长期性、真实性和稳定性 ,提出了建立多党合作民主政体的设想。在遭到国民党政府的拒绝后 ,中国共产党进一步阐明这一思想的合理性 ,并运用于抗日根据地的政权建设之中 ,不仅取得了良好的效果 。
After the establishment of Anti\|Japanese national united battle lines, CCP had proposed many tentative ideas for establishing multi\|party cooperative democratic government system, which is in order to guarantee its protraction, factuality and stability. When the proposal was refused by Kuomintang government, CCP gave a further explanation of its feasibility, and the lead party also put the theory into use by setting up the base areas. This proposal not only took perfect effect, but also actually initiated the embryonic form of multi\|party cooperative system which was led by CCP.
Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science