特困生问题是目前高校学生管理工作中比较突出的问题 ,重视这个问题并切实解决好 ,对高校的稳定和学生的成才起着十分重要的作用。本文从高校特困生产生的原因、存在的特点和解决的对策几个方面对这一问题作了分析 ,以期得到人们对这一问题的重视和对特困学生的关心。
The problem of the most needy students stands out in university student management. Great attention and proper solution to this problem play an important role in the stability on campus and in the process of turning students into qualified professionals. With a view toward bringing the problem to further attention,this paper explores the causes of such a problem, the characteristics of its existence and proposes some solutions to this problem.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)