信息在投资者博弈中起着非常重要的作用。然而 ,在中国的证券市场上 ,投资者之间的信息分布并不对称 ,由此导致中国证券市场上出现的各种问题。本文从信息的成本 -收益分析着手 ,提出信息供给的智猪博弈模型 ,进而指出信息不对称如何导致大股东对小股东的欺诈 。
Information has the very important actions in the investor game. However, in the security market of China, the information distributes dissymmetry and this leads to all kinds of problems on the security market of China. This paper begins from analyzing the cost income of the information and puts forward wise pig's game model of information supplying. The article also points out how information dissymmetry leads to big stockholders' cheat to the small stockholders and gives some system countermeasures to remove these abuses.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)