20世纪初是中华民族救亡图存的时代。为了拯救国家和人民 ,一批批知识分子做出了艰难的努力。郁达夫和他小说中的大多数人物胸怀雄心壮志 ,力图拯救中国的政治与社会 ,揭露腐败 ,抨击黑暗 ;他们还力图拯救民族和世人 ,批判一切腐朽的国民劣根性。在面临精神困境的时候 ,他们清醒地认识到自己的历史使命 ,奋起反抗沉沦 ,通过多种方式拯救自己的灵魂。
The beginning of 20th century had witnessed the national salvation movement of China. For the sake of the salvation of the country and the people, numerous intellectuals struggled with arduous efforts.YU Da\|fu, the writer and most of the charactors in his fictions as well cherished great ambitions in mind, striving to be the savior of the politics and the society,they exposed the corruption of politics,attacked the shady side of society;Besides,they tried their best to save the nation and the people,criticizing all decadent deep\|rooted habits of the people.When confronted with the dilemma of spirit,they still retained a sober sense of their own historical mission, which compelled them to resist the state of degeneration and save their own spirit and soul through varied ways.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)