邓小平关于“科学技术是第一生产力”论断的形成 ,可能受几个方面的影响 :马克思、恩格斯关于科学技术在生产力发展中重要作用的论述 ;胡耀邦主持起草《科学院工作汇报提纲》中提出“科学技术是生产力”的命题 ;原苏共二十大以来苏共中央对科学是“直接生产力”
Science and technology are part of the productive forces may produce several influences:Marx's important discussion about science and technology have an important influence in the development of productive forces.Hu Yaobang advances the proposition ,'science and technology are part of the productive forces' in the working report outline of academy of sciences which he takes charge of and drafts .The inference,'the science is the direct producitve force'has been formed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Soviet since the twentieth national people's congress.
Journal of Radio & TV University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)