
论成人高等院校教育信息化 教学现代化建设 被引量:2

On Construction of Education Information and Teaching Modernization in Adult Colleges and Universities
摘要 随着信息社会的到来,以计算机技术、微电子技术、通信技术为特征的信息技术在社会各个领域得到广泛应用,教育领域也不例外.面对信息社会,成人高等院校在激烈地竞争中要求生存,求发展,就必须更新观念,加强教学现代化设施建设,加强师资队伍现代教育技术的培养. With the coming of information society, information te chnology has been used widely in all the social fields including the field of ed uc ation. The main characters of information technology are computer technology, microelectronics technology and communication technology.Adult colleges and univers ities want to win the keen competition and develop in information society, they m ust renew the concept, strengthen construction of modern teaching facilities and train the teachers' modern education technology.
作者 胡延琴
出处 《河南教育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第2期79-81,共3页 Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 成人高等教育 教育信息化 教学现代化 教学环境 师资队伍建设 教育模式 adnlt colleges and universities education teaching information modernization construction
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