水稻雄性不育系珍汕 97A是我国应用面积最大、使用最广泛的不育系。利用抽穗期基因型明确的秋光 (e1e1e2 e2 e3e3Se- 1 eSe- 1 e)、越光 (E1E1E2 E2 e3e3Se - 1 eSe- 1 e)、日本晴 (E1E1e2 e2 e3e3Se- 1Se- 1 )和日光 (E1E1E2 E2 e3e3Se- 1Se- 1 )作测验品种 ,分析了水稻珍汕 97B的抽穗期基因型 ,结果表明 :珍汕 97B的抽穗期感光基因型为 :e1e1e2 e2 E3E3Se- 1Se- 1 ,同时还存在 1对隐性感光抑制基因i -Se - 1 ;进一步用QTL近等基因系NIL(Hd1 )、NIL(Hd2 )、NIL(Hd3)、NIL(Hd5 )和NIL(Hd6)进行的实验也验证了珍汕 97B存在 1个显性的主效感光基因Se- 1 ,以及其他感光修饰基因 ,如E3、Hd3(En -Se- 1 )、Hd5和Hd6基因的作用。因此 ,推测珍汕 97A带有主效感光基因是其配制的籼型杂交稻抽穗期超亲表现的内因。
Zhenshan 97A, a rice male sterile, were applied widely si nce the release of hybrid rice in 1973 in China, but the genotype of heading tim e in this sterile line was still unknown. This definitely limited the further us e of this sterile line in breeding practice and re-production of hybrid seeds. To solve this problem, we analyzed the segregation pattern of phenotype of headi ng time in progenies from crosses between Zhenshan 97A and four tester cultivars , Akihikari (e 1e 1e 2e 2e 3e 3 Se-1eSe-1e), Koshihikari (E 1E 1 E 2E 2e 3e 3 Se-1eSe-1e), Nipponbare (E 1E 1e 2e 2e 3e 3Se-1 Se-1) and Hinohikari (E 1E 1E 2E 2e 3e 3S e-1Se-1),whose genotypes of heading time were already known. The results showed that the genotype of heading time in Zhenshan 97A was e 1e 1e 2 e 2E 3E 3Se-1Se-1 and it also carri ed a recessive inhibitor i-Se-1 for phtoperiod-sensitivity. Mea nwhile, a ma jor photoperiod-sensitive dominant genes Se-1 and other modifie d photoperio d-sensitive genes: i-Se-1, E 3,Hd3 (En-Se-1), Hd5 and Hd6, were ident ified in Zhenshan 97A by crossing with QTL nearly isogenic lines: NIL (Hd1),NIL (Hd2),NIL(Hd3),NIL( Hd5) and NIL(Hd6).
"农业部超级稻研究计划"(Q2 0 0 0 2 5 )资助
"江苏省自然科学基金"(Q2 0 0 0 3 6)资助