酵母双杂交系统(yeast two-hybrid system)是直接于细胞内研究蛋白质间相互作用的一种灵敏度很高,且非常有效的遗传学方法,在不同研究领域中广泛应用,并不断完善及改进,发展出单杂交系统(one-hybid system) 和三杂交系统 (three-hybrid system)等一系列相关的技术,克服了原系统的局限。本文对双杂交系统的原理、发展概况、应用、存在问题和前景等进行了综述。
The yeast two-hybrid system is a quickly developing genetic assay which provides a highly sensitive and efficient genetic means to detect protein-protein interaction in vivo. It have witnessed abroad application as well as modification and permutation of the basic two- hybrid system. Such improvements as the one-and three-hybrid systems and some other related techniques promise to overcome some limitations of original system. We review the principle, development, application, some questions and future prospect of two-hybrid system.
Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences