Most of the current lasser television designs employ polygonal mirrors for horizontal linesand a galvanometer for vertical lines. The video signals directly control the operation of the line and frame scanning. This conventional control mode posed over harsh requirements for the angular division accuracy and the stability of the rotating speed. In this paper a new control scheme is presented to overcome the existing problems. A memory buffer is inserted between the video output and the optical modulator. The operational principle of the buffer is as follows. The video signals are initially stored in the frame form. Each storage unit in the memory and each pixel on the screen are one - to - one correspondence. The orientations of the line mirror and the frame mirror simultaneously determine both the position of the beam on the screen and the storage address of the corresponding pixel in the memory. The real - out digital signal is D/A converted into image signal and then fed to an intensity modulator. In this scheme the effects of the polygo- nal angular division error and the fluctuation of the rotating speed on the image quality are negligi- ble.
Journal of Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics
Laser television
Laser display
Laser beam scanning