高等教育改革是社会各界关注的焦点。要改变以往陈旧的办学模式 ,高校所需进行的体制创新与观念变革势所必然。以创新为特征的素质教育是现代教育的最终目标 ,而要实现这一转变必须从教育观念、师资配备、载体与环境。
The reform of tertiary education is now a focus of attention from all walks of life in China. The innovation of system and changes of ideas are now facing the administration of colleges and universities in order to change the old patterns of running higher education. A new type of education characterized by the education of aptitude is the ultimate goal of contemporary education. In order to realize this transformation, profound reforms must be carried out in the realm of thought of education, the employment of teachers, the environment of education and social practices.
Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)