为了适应西南地区经济建设在经济体制和经济增长方式上的根本性转变的要求 ,高等函授学历教育应充分考虑企业的发展、社会的需求。在强化教学管理过程中优化专业结构 ,精心组织实施各个教学环节。在扩大办学规模的同时 ,提高办学质量和效益 ,是深化成人教育改革、加快成人教育发展的重要任务。
In response to the new varied demands entailed by the ongoing fundamental transformation in economic system and economic growth mode, tertiary correspondence non degree education should be geared to the development of enterprises and the need of the society. The present paper suggests that, with the rapid enrollment expansion, educational administration should be strengthened, speciality structure should be optimized, pedagogical process should be supervised and focus of work should be put on improving quality and benefit in school running.
Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications