J. J. Rousseau had tried, by means of formulating a new social institution,to establish an ideal state of morality, in anticipation of saving the human nature which had been corrupted by society. He was considering the way to mould individual human nature in terms of morals to be the only path to sublimation and progress of humanity which the moral authority of the society of public will would bring about. Rousseau's educational ideal was in agreement with his designing of the ideal state of morality. The ided state of morality had, ofnecessity to presuppose the complete consummation and ultimate-good of human nature, and the natural education must construct the walls that would block all the rotten social effects and bear the moral mission of shaping the natural humanity, for the education in the past was the prison of the soul, while the new education would constitute the soul engineering,which was to operate toward shaping up a pure and consistent moral soul. Natural education was,therefore, the guardianship of morality and humanity. Rousseau's idea of natural education contained educational violence to controll and interfer in human nature.
Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)