兵学和哲学是紧密联系的 ,兵学充满哲学 ,哲学运用了兵学中的战例。被中外学者称为“世界古代第一兵书”的《孙子兵法》具有朴素的唯物论、朴素的辩证法思想。如其提出的“修道保法”的朴素唯物主义战争观 ,“知己知彼”的战争认识论 ,“奇正相生”的军事辩证法思想等 ,都可用来分析战争的胜负与主客观之间的关系 ,并指导战争、驾驭战争 。
The science of war is closely connected with philosophy. It is permeated with philosophical thoughts while philosophy has cited many examples of wars. The Art of War by SUN Wu , which is regarded as “the first book on military and tactics of the world in ancient times”, is full of thoughts of naive materialism and dialectics. This paper, from the angle of war, studies on its materialist thoughts, the relation between the win\|defeat of the war and the subjective, how to use its basic principles to guide the war, and to control the war and win the war.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)