综述了涂层渗水率测试技术及电化学方法在评估有膜层耐蚀性能中的应用 ,比较了二者的区别与相关之处 ,结果表明 ,由吸水量 时间对数曲线、蒸气渗透率可定量测试涂膜对腐蚀介质的屏蔽性能及介质渗透的三个阶段 ,但该法不能表征膜下腐蚀的具体情况 ;而交流阻抗技术可定性、连续检测膜下腐蚀过程 ,由腐蚀电化学参数可表征介质对基材的电化学腐蚀。二者有机结合 ,可预测防蚀涂料早期发生腐蚀的过渡期长短 ,研究影响涂层水渗透率变化及过渡期长短的作用因素 。
Corrosion resisting property of organic coating was evaluated by water vapor permeating rate of organic coating and electro-chemical corrosion parameter of coating-metal interface. Differences and similarities of above two expenment methods was discussed. The results could be concluded as follows: shield property of organic coating and three stages of medium permeation can beq uantitatively tested by water vapor permeating rate and logarithm curve of soakage to time, unforunetily corrosion of coating -metal interface can not be specifically described by this method, however, this corrosion procedure can be qualitatively and continuously determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, corrosion of medium to substrate can be characterized by e le ctrochemical corrosion parameters. In this way, procedure of corrosion resisting of organic coatings can be comprehensively evaluated by combining the two ways, transition interval of coating earyly corroded can be predicted, influence factors water vapor permeating rate of organic coating and transition interval can be studied.
Materials Protection
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 99710 2 2 )