公共关系是人类最基本的社会活动 ,是处于一定组织中的社会主体对社会客体进行协调和管理 ,从而优化有关资源 ,达到共同目标的过程。公共关系学的研究对象 ,概而述之 ,就是“一个主要矛盾即公关主体和公关客体之间的矛盾 ,两个基本问题即组织与个人和组织与环境的问题”。公共关系是有民族性的。
The public relations are the elementary social activities of human beings.PR are the processes of approaching mutual goals.In these processes social subjects which exist in certain orgnizations harmonize well with social objects and management in order to optimize social resources.In general,the objects of study of PR include one principal contradiction and a couple of basic problems.PR have their own national features.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi