国家推广全国通用的普通话 ,是一件功在千秋、造福后代的大好事 ,是高校素质教育的一项重要内容。要做好这项工作 ,第一要加强宣传 ;第二要加强机构建设 ;第三要加强普通活测试工作。广大教育工作者要以高度的历史责任感和时代紧迫感 ,齐心协力 ,扎实工作 ,努力实现推广普通话工作新世纪奋斗目标。
It is of great benefit and value to popularize the common spoken Chinese on a nation wide scale.It is also an important component of quality-orientated education in institutions of higher education.The success of the work would rely on strengthening firstly its propaganda;secondly the institutional building and lastly the testing work.The work can be made to meet the trans-century target if all the educational workers can work together with stong sense of historical duty and urgency.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi