跨国公司通常利用公关战略、策略和技巧来开拓海外市场。在进入目标市场之前 ,它们开展公关调查 ,制定公关战略计划 ,委托公关专业机构策划 ,树立良好的企业形象和声誉 ,为企业及其产品定位 ,开展公共事务活动 ,举办或参与专题展览会等。在进入目标市场的过程中 ,借公关扬名 ,提高知名度 ,实施本土化战略 ,强化品牌 ,赞助公益事业 ,开展公关营销等。在进入目标市场之后 ,跨国公司推广新文化 ,强化声誉管理 ,注重危机防范 ,创办内部刊物 。
The multinational enterprises use strategy and skills of public relations to develop foreign markets. Before entering the markets with the help of professional organizations, they make public survey and strategic plans in public relations, construct excellent image and reputation of the enterprises, produce market-oriented products, organize activities of public affairs, hold and attend specific exhibitions, and so on. In entering the expected markets, they try to make their enterprises more famous, implement the localization strategy, improve the quality of the products, support the activities of public welfare, promote marketing, etc. After entering the markets, they propagate new culture, pay more attention to their reputation, guard against potential crises, issue publication and coordinate various relationships.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)