运用灰关联分析法研究图书流通与到馆新书、读者群体及借阅方式间的关联性 .通过对灰关联度r的计算与比较 ,证明对图书流通量影响最大的是借阅方式 ,其次是读者群体的大小 ,而影响最小的是到馆新书量 .籍此对辽宁师范大学图书馆文献资源的合理化配置及优化管理提出建议 .
Grey relevance analysis is adopted in this paper to study the relationships between book circulation and newly entered books to library,reader groups and ways of lending.By means of grey relevance degree( r ) and comparison,we have proved that ways of lending have the most influence on book circulation,while the size of reader group ranks the next.Newly entered books to library affects the least.Based on the above analysis,the author intends to put forward some constructive suggestions to rational disposal and optimal management of documents and materials in the library of Liaoning Normal University.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition