伴随着社会文明高度发展的 2 1世纪的到来 ,高校图书馆也要不断的发展和完善自己。其发展的趋势必将倍受读者的关注 ,服务对象将由单一化向多元化和社会化转变 ,馆藏资源数据化 ,信息服务网络化也是其发展的必然趋势。然而 ,现代化的高校图书馆不能完全取代传统的高校图书馆 。
With the coming of the high social civilized twenty-first century,the libraries of colleges and universities are required to be more improved and perfect. Its development trends are surely to be more concerned by the readers. Serving object will change from single to pluralization and socialization. Others necessary development trends are datumization of library collection and information serving network.However the high mordernized libraries are not to take the place of traditional ones completely. The two are only to co exist and co aid in the twenty-first century.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)