历来人们对苏轼评价陶渊明《闲情赋》的一段话 ,都没有一个全面正确的理解。其实 ,苏轼这段话 ,前后观点并不一致。前边的意思是说 ,《闲情赋》是一篇象《诗经·国风》中的情诗一样的“好色而不淫”的爱情赋 ;后边的意思是说 ,《闲情赋》是一篇象屈原《离骚》
For a long time,people haven′t given an impartial and correet comprehension to Sushi′s appraise-ment for Tao Yuan Ming′s Xian QingFu .In fact,in the former part,Sushi told us that Xian QingFu was a love lyric likea Classic poem:local folk song,which was a drama of real love.In the latter part,he claimed that this works,like Gloorny Experience,was aimed about to express his political ideal for his mother land by describing a beantiful girl.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)