作为高等体育院校最新科技传播的主要媒体———体院学报 ,就体育界学术交流、技术推广、信息服务等传播渠道方面 ,以何种姿态跨入新世纪门槛 ,迎接新的挑战。在总结过去 ,展望未来的基础上 ,本文提出学报要求发展 ,就必须紧跟时代步伐 ,高扬时代主旋律 。
As a journal of a higher institute of physical education, it is a main medium to spread the latest science and technology of physical education. When the new century is coming, from the aspects of spreading mediums, for example, academic exchanges of sports field, technical popularization and information services, the author of the paper discusses how to step into the new century and meet new challenges. On the basis of summing up the past and looking into the future, the author puts forward a suggestion, if the journal wants to be developed, it should keep up with the era, and the main trend of the era. The journal can be one of fine quality.
Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University