《胡征长诗选》以事记史 ,以情记史 ,展现了解放战争时期一个战士的豪情 ,一个诗人的柔情 ,一个布尔什维克的挚情 ,鼓舞了一代人蓬勃向上的英雄主义精神 ,以现实主义的夺目光彩概括了一个时代 ,并在新时代呼唤着神圣文学的回归。尽管极左政治使这位“胡风分子”蒙冤二十余年 ,直至今日才将他写入当代文学史 ,但其人格和作品却因此而更加昭示了文学的神圣。
Selected Poems of HU Zheng'with realistic writing style revealing the enthusiasm of a soldier during China's War of Liberation and Tenderness of a poet encouraged people of that age and filled in the vacancy of lengthy lyric poetry in Chinese contemporary literature.HU Zheng suffered an injustice for over 20 years and has just been recorded in Chinese temporary literature.Yet his personal quality and works become more holy in literary world.
Tangdu Journal