Price-earnings (P/E) ratio is one of the indicators used in investment analysis. At first sight, P/E ratio seems to reflect the e xpected returns on investment. Through further analysis, however, we find that P /E ratio is a reflection of the market's optimism concerning a firm's growth prospects, and that it shows whether or not a firm has its expected good rate or re turns on investment opportunity and the level of the firm's plow back ratio. Th e Edwards-Bell-Ohlson (EBO) model further indicates that P/E ratio is differen ce of ratio between current and future returns on equity. While using P/E ratio, investors should also take into account the following aspects: If the denominat or in the P/E ratio is the latest accounting earnings, then in times of business cycle or high inflation, the analysis of P/E ratio may lead to a distorted conc lusion; the analysis of P/E ratio should be combined with other financial ratio analysis; the limitation of P/E ratio comparison should be taken into considerat ion.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)