辛亥革命时期近代科学在中国的传播出现了新的形势。科学传播的途径进一步扩大 ,传播的内容更为丰富 ,传播的主动权已经从过去的外国传教士转入中国知识分子手中。这些变化直接导致国人科学理念的更新与进步 ,发出了“科学救国”的时代强音。辛亥革命时期的科学传播不仅为仁人志士批判封建迷信提供了有力的思想武器 ,在国人中进行了一次重要的科学思想启蒙 ,而且为革命派开展的反清斗争造了舆论 ,为后来的五四新文化运动中“科学与民主”
The spread of modern science presented a new situation during the Xinhai(1911 Chinese)Revolution period .The media was developed, the content was rich and varied, and the main force of spread was shifted from foreign missionaries to Chinese intellectuals. All these changes directly caused the people's ideological progression in science to shout 'save the country with science'.The spread of science not only provided a powerful weapon for the people with lofty ideas to criticize feudal superstition and to enlighten people on science, but also molded public opinion for the revolutionists to fight against the Qing Dynasty. It also laid an important ideological foundation to raise 'science and democracy'in the May 4th Movement.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)