以水、陆稻两个土壤生态型共18个品种为试材,在盆栽条件下对水稻综合抗旱力指标 Td 值、深根干重与地上部分干重比值 LRW/UW 及旱水处理的若干性状差异等指标进行了研究。结果表明 Td 值、LRW/UW 值在水稻、陆稻品种间差异明显,大多数陆稻品种的 Td 值、LRW/UW 值高于水稻品种;Td 值和 LRW/UW 值与旱水处理的性状差值呈一定相关。结论:Td 值和 LRW/UW 值越大的品种(系)其抗旱性能越好,它们可以做为筛选抗旱的水稻品种的数量指标。另外,本文就 LRW/UW 与根冠比在抗旱鉴定中应用进行了讨论。通过对水稻、陆稻抗旱性能的比较,探讨了 Td 值和LRW/UW 值做为抗旱指标的可行性,以期提供适合筛选抗旱的水稻品种的方法。
Eighteeth paddy and upland rice varieties of two soil ecological types were used as materials.Indices of the total drought resistance(Td) and the ratio of dry weight of lower root to upper plant(LRw/Uw) were studied by pot culture under the control of water supply.The results indicated that the differences of twoecological types were signifficant in Td and LRw/Uw,Td and LRw/Uw of paddy rice varieties were lower than that of upland rice varieties,and Td was sig- nifficantly correlated with LRw/Uw.The conclusion is that the more Td and LRw/Uw values are,the more drought resistance is.They are two simple and easyidentiffication indices for seleeting paddy rice varieties of drought resistance.
Liaoning Agricultural Sciences