全面质量管理 (TQM)是一门现代管理科学 ,应用TQM的基本思想和核心方法 ,通过1 997- 2 0 0 0年来的 3轮PDCA循环 ,全省苗木质量显著提高 ,苗木合格率由活动前的 61 4%提高到 98 2 % ,促进了苗木分级定价 ,一级苗率达 85 7%。在林木育苗管理中应用TQM ,符合TQM理论 。
Theory of TQM is a modern science for management. Seedlings quality in Fujian province was obviously improved by applying TQM in their raising seedlings through three PDCA circle from 1997 to 2000,its qualified rate increased from 61 4% to 98 2%,first class rate 85 7%. So we think TQM theory is advantage for our raising seedlings.
Issues of Forestry Economics