西部大开发面临的最大瓶颈是资金短缺。为此 ,应健全资本市场 ,完善资本形成机制 ,提高资本的生成、积累和引进能力 ,同时综合运用各类引资方法 ,把吸引外商投资作为重点 ,充分发挥外资作用 ,全面突破资本短缺的瓶颈制约。
The biggest bottleneck of western development is shortof money. For this reason, standing sturdily capital market, perfecting the system of forming capital, improving the ability of generating, accumulating and recommending capital. Meanwhile, comprehersive applying various ways to attract foreign investment, holding to attract overseas businessmen investment as focal point, making the most of foreign capital, breaking the bottleneck of short of capital on the full scale
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College