回顾了集成维修信息系统的概念、框架结构及其功能 ,并在此基础上详细论述了各级别、层次上数据融合的任务和目的 ,提出了维修数据融合系统的概念和进一步的应用前景。最后 ,详细讨论了维修排故作业中的数据融合问题 ,包括动态诊断原理、组合故障集概率计算以及时间分析。
This paper reviews the concept, principle, and the architecture of Integrated Maintenance Information System. Based on the concept of IMIS, this paper discusses some promising functions making use of maintenance information fusion, presents the purposes and tasks of information fusion on different hierarchical level. Finally, a comprehensive description of equipment maintenance information fusion system and some potential applications is given. As a focus of practical application, fundamental theory and the process of dynamic diagnosis through information fusion are also presented.
Journal of Air Force Engineering University(Natural Science Edition)