魏晋是文学自觉的时代。我国山水诗歌这一文学中的大宗 ,也觉醒于这一时期。本文依据翔实的资料 ,较全面地考查了东晋高僧慧远及其以前的山水诗歌 ,指出中国的山水诗到了东晋后期才真正进入自觉时期 ,而高僧慧远则是中国山水诗史上第一位自觉咏唱山水的诗人 ,对谢灵运以后我国山水诗风的形成有着不容忽视的影响。
Wei and Jin were the spontaneous era of Chinese literature. The Chinese pastoral poetry, which was the main part of Chinese literature, had also awoken during the period. According to some specific materials, this article thoroughly studied pastoral poems of Huiyuan East Jin's famous monk, and the poets who lived before him, pointing out that the Chinese pastoral poetry hadn't really entered the spontaneous era until East Jin, and that Monk Huiyan was the first poet who spontaneously described the mountain scenery in the history of Chinese pastoral poetry, and that he had a deep effect on the development of Chinese pastoral poetry after Xie Ling_yun.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)