纸杯纸生产过程中 ,原纸张力的大小直接影响供纸系统的正常运行 .利用磁粉制动器的励磁电流与制动力矩成线性关系这一特性 ,设计了闭环张力控制系统 .该系统由张力检测器、张力控制器和磁粉控制器等部分构成 ,结构简单 ,性能稳定 .
In producing the paper of cup,the magnitude of tension of the paper will directly influence the running in gear of the production system.Utilizing the linearity peculiarity of the exciting current of magnetic powder brake and brake moment,the closed loop control system is designed.The system is composed of tension measurer,tension controller, magnetic powder brake and so on.It has the feature of simple structure and stable performance.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry(Natural Science)