以儒道佛为核心的中国传统理想人格以天人合一作为追求的最高境界 ,具有理想的世俗性、修炼的自力性以及生命的审美性。在当代精神文明建设中 ,有助于激发人的道德主体意识、自制意识以及自我完善。
The Chinese traditional ideal moral quality based on the kernel of Confucianism,Tdoism and Buddhism pursues'the combination of Tian & Ren'as the highest realm.It has secularity in idea,self-realization in self-cultivation and happiness in life.In modern building of moral civilization,the moral quality is use ful to the stimulation of human moral consciousness,self-discipline consciousness and to the motivation of self-perfection and self-promotion.
Journal of Jiangnan College