在经济与科技全球化、一体化的格局中 ,企业的产品创新能力对企业的发展至关重要 ,培养一支具有创新能力的产品开发队伍需要相应的管理机制。本文从管理角度出发 ,基于并行工程原理 ,借助商品化软件Pro/INTRAL INK,规划出一个基于全生命周期管理的集成化产品开发环境 ,对建立该环境所需的支持 :网络、数据库、信息、自动化、管理及 CAD/CAM等技术进行了研究 ,并提出企业实施该项技术所必须统一协调解决的问题及解决方案 ,这种解决了目前企业急需的为题 ,如企业购买商品化 PDM软件后做什么、怎么做等关键性问题。建立的环境记录并管理着整个开发过程的活动 ,将过去存放于个别设计师抽屉和头脑中的宝贵经验变成为共享信息 ,极大地有利于企业创新能力的提高 。
On the basis of concurrent engineering and PDM (p roduct data management), an integrated product developing environment based on t otal life-cycle management is put forward and built. The needed supporting tech nologies (Intranet, Database, IT, Management, CAD/CAE, CE, PDM) are also studied .. The paper gives some collaborative solutions in CE and PDM implementation in D LRW. The basic problems have been solved, such as: What to do with PDM? How to d o? What to do in future? The conclusion is as follows: It is the processes of th e product developing (not the drawings) that are critical for the enterprises, s o the best way is to manage the processes, not the drawings only. The IPD enviro nment based Pro/I can record and manage the whole process of product developing. Many valuable experiences that used to be in designer's heads and drawers becom e shared and safe information now. The technical innovation ability is increased greatly in the enterprise.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
国家 8 6 3/CIMS主题应用示范工程资助项目 ( 86 3-5 11-810 -133)