载运工具 (汽车 )所具有的分散、移动和小价值的特点是对其开展状态监测工作举步维艰的基本原因。为此提出可以考虑借助通信网络或因特网对其进行状态远程监测。讨论了远程监测的组网方式、信号传输方法、信号检测分析与处理的关键技术。其中的几个关键问题是 :①如何利用现有的通信网络传输高质量、大容量的信息 ;②确定合理的监测参数 ;③对大量的实时监测数据进行预处理 ;④信息传输中的抗干扰问题。
The reason why the condition monitoring for city bus is difficult is that the city buses have the characteristics of deconcentration, movement and low worthiness to. It is believed that the reasonable plan of condition remote monitoring contains the contents which are signal detecting signal entering networkreceiving signal signal denoiseinformation identificationinformation calssification. The condition monitoring parameters of city buses can be determined through the measurement of fault mechanism analysis . The received condition information of city bus must be denoised, identified, classified and so on.
Journal of Changsha Communications University
湖南省自然科学基金资助项目 (99jjy2 0 74)