词汇是构成语言的建筑材料 ,承载并传递特定语言的文化内涵与信息。中英文化差异主要体现在词汇层面上 ,尤其是文化内涵词汇所体现出的词汇意义的不对等、成语典故的文化痕迹、比喻联想的文化意象、及交际价值差异等方面。准确把握词汇的文化内涵是翻译的关键之所在。
As the building materials of a language, lexis carry and convey cultural codes and cultural information of the language concerned. Cultural distinctions are most prominent at lexical levels, in particular those culturally-loaded words that are demonstrated in lack of semantic equivalents, differences of cultural vestige in idioms, cultural images of words-meaning associations and communicative values. How to convey the exact meaning of those culturally-loaded words is the crucial part in translation.
Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)