音乐与文学作为人类艺术中两个不同的门类 ,在捷克作家米兰·昆德拉的小说创作中得到了完美的统一。他是用音乐思维革新小说的杰出代表。音乐思维的运用不仅使昆德拉小说在表现形式上大胆革新 ,也加深了小说揭示矛盾的深度和广度。通过借用音乐的节奏 ,昆德拉在代表作之一《生命中不能承受之轻》中创造了独特的叙事节奏。对此加以分析 ,可揭示蕴含其中的昆德拉小说理念。
As two different art forms, music and literature are perfectly unified in famous Czech writer Milan Kundela's novels. The use of musical thinking not only innovates the form of his novels, but also helps uncovering the conflicts in his novels. By drawing upon music rhythm, Kundela develops his unique narrative rhythm in the novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being. In this thesis, the author makes a detailed analysis on it and tries to demonstrate the implied idea of novel.
Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)