192 7年农历 5月 ,九世班禅额尔德呢·却吉尼玛从青海出发 ,途经北京、奉天来到哲里木盟 ,在科左中旗慧丰寺讲经授法。后立碑记事 ,言说为“国事东游”。而史实确为迎合当地王公贵族的政治需要 ,扩大黄教势力范围 ,为其日后重返西藏争夺宗教领袖地位做准备。
In Lunar Calendar May,1927, Erdeniquejinima,the ninth archbishop, who started off Qinghai and went through Beijing and Fengtian ,at last he went into Zhelimu, Who gave a lecture in HuiFen temple of middle Koerchin county. Then, a Stele was made to remember the fact was called State affair eastern tour.The main catered to the politics' requires of local nobles. To extend the scope of follow church, In order to reback trobe and prepared for seizing power of leader status of rigion.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences