鲁迅小说是中国现代风俗小说的优秀代表。鲁迅小说描写了 2 0世纪初中国农村的生活习俗、忌俗、婚俗、葬俗等风俗 ,通过它们展示了传统风俗中所具有的封建礼教、封建迷信等观念 ,对受这些旧习俗束缚的人们寄予了深切的同情 。
Lu Xun's novels are the fine representatives of China's modern genre novels. His novels describe customs in life, taboos, wedding customs and funeral customs, and through these descriptions, displays the feudal ethical view and the feudal superstitious view in the traditional customs. They also show deep sympathy for the people who are restrained by the old customs and habits. His novels have peculiar cognitive value and aesthetic value.
Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences:Social Science Edition