文章论述长江口水文情势。阐明形成本地区潮位变化的影响机制是海洋潮汐的周期性涨落;构成潮位特征值大辐度变化的重要因素是台风暴潮。着重分析了长江口的可能最高潮位的主要组成成份——台风增水,暴雨增水和天文潮位。 选择高桥作为长江口代表站,进行累加频率和抽样误差之计算,得到长江口可能最高潮位。千年一遇为 6.86米(H_(0.1%)= 6.86 m),万年一遇为 7.67米 (H_(0.10%)= 7.67m.)
The hydrological situation at the Changjiang Estuary is described in this paper. It is pointed ou that the variation of tidal heights at the Chang-Jiang stuary is affected by the periodic fluctuation of oceanic tides, and that the typhoon surge is the important factor causing the largeamplitude variation in characteristic values of tidal heights. Three components are also analysed of the possible maximum storm tide at the Estuary, i. e. , water ircrease due to typhoons, water increase due to heavy rains, and astronomic tide. The calculation of cumulative frequoncy and sampling errors shows that the possible maximum storm tide height is 6.68m once for 1000 years, H_(0.1%)=6.68m and 7.67m once for 10000 years,H_(0.01%) = 7.67m.
Marine Forecasts